In this section, we cover some interesting destinations. The reason why we call it wonder is because, so far, no one could find Scientific reason for these happening. So it is for you to come and discover the undiscovered.
It is believed that Mr. Frank Moody sent this design to a member of the society in Britain. It is claimed that if you keep a glass or Jug of water on this design over night, it will taste entirely different. It tastes SWEETER and SOFTER. It is also believed that this water has a cleansing action on body toxins if taken repeatedly.
( Click here to download Windsor 3181 to try)
WONDER LAMP : In 1979, using a small amount of oil, a poor woman lit a lamp. It is a popular local belief that this lamp continues to burn to this day without the addition of any more oil. Indeed many that have seen and examined this lamp vouch for this strange wonder. Even skeptics have been convinced. After some time, the good woman lit two other lamps using a little oil from the first lamp and kept next to it. They too continue to burn without the addition of more oil. Delight in this wonder or take on the challenge of offering a scientific solution. Though the village lore has it that the lamp flame never extinguishes, the authenticity of the belief has been disputed by a few skeptics. To know more about the arguments of both the groups Click Here. BUBBLING POND: At the foot of the Western Ghats, there is an ancient small pond where any sound like clapping makes the pond to bubble. If you solve this, the Jacuzzis would not need electricity. DOWSING: Dowsing is an ancient art known for generations. Watch the dowser, carrying a forked stick locate a source of water. Perhaps you too may be gifted to do the same. Join the dowser and try to learn from him. Dowsing has been used to locate lost articles, trace magnetic fields of influence and calm troubled minds. |